Thursday, September 12, 2013


測試對象的GlusterFS, 是由兩台server各接2部26TB的RAID組成, 總容量102T
RAID是SAS介面, 做成ext4.
server對外走的是10GbE, 合計頻寬20Gb/s = 2.5GB/s, 然後所有的client都使用GbE連接.
所有主機都用CentOS 6.4.

Bits and pieces about Bonnie++

Bonnie++ is a tool to test file systems under Linux.
It create / read / delete files, so the performance is of file system but not the disk (block device).


它是建立檔案, 所以測試的是檔案系統那一層的效能, 不等於block device的效能.

Performance test on SSD and NFS

First testing target of the two is a 2.5TB RAID (/ssd, with 12 2.5" SSD, XFS)
Another is a 400GB PCIe SSD (/ssd2, ext4).
Both of them connect to a server. It has only GbE network, so NFS performance on them will be limited by network.
All clients uses GbE.
All server and clients uses CentOS 6.4.

SSD / NFS的效能測試

兩個測試目標, 一個是2.5TB的RAID (/ssd, 裡面裝12顆2.5" SSD, XFS)
另一個是400GB的PCIe SSD (/ssd2, ext4).
這兩個連接在一座server上, 但是只用GbE, 所以過網路的話效能會被壓住.
所有的主機都使用CentOS 6.4.